4 Big Problems

The four main environmental problems facing the Earth today are:

- Environmental impacts of plastic and microplastics. When plastics are not recycled, they end up in landfills and oceans, where they break down into smaller fragments that enter the food chain. The pollutants these plastics release also seep into groundwater and affect people's health.

- Water consumption. Hearth's customers use a lot of water for their products, which causes pollution like runoff from grasslands and water shortages for farmers who grow crops to feed livestock.

- Greenhouse gases emissions. Hearth uses a lot of energy in manufacturing its products, which results in carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to climate change.

- Electronic waste is a growing problem, as products become more complex and manufacturers use more plastic packaging materials. To reduce the amount of plastics used and to help ensure that materials are recycled properly, manufacturers can use more environmentally friendly materials, such as plant-based plastics, biodegradable plastics, and recycled materials. Additionally, manufacturers can use sustainable packaging for their devices, such as plant-based plastics. Proper recycling of devices is also important to ensure that hazardous components, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, are not released into the environment. Finally, encouraging consumers to repair and reuse their devices, rather than disposing of them, is another way to reduce electronic waste.


Linear economy

The linear economy is designed to extract the raw materials, make products from them, and eventually throw them away as waste. This model requires large quantities of materials and energy.

Circular economy

The circular economy promotes a more efficient use of raw materials, thus conserving the environment and natural resources. Consumption of raw materials is reduced by reintroducing recycled, re-used and re-manufactured materials into the system, thus closing the circle. This process has become increasingly important in recent years due to its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution while improving the quality of life for everyone. It will also allow us to live more sustainably and create a cleaner environment for future generations.



Recycling leather remnants has a number of benefits. Using recycled leather helps minimize waste, which helps reduce the environmental impact of leather production. Recycled leather is also more sustainable than other materials, such as synthetic leather or polyurethane. Additionally, leather is a natural material, making it strong, durable, and long-lasting. Leather also looks stylish and can be used to make a wide range of products.


Recycling cardboard is a great way to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and conserve natural resources. When we recycle cardboard, we get paper fibres that can be reused and made into more cardboard, reducing the need to cut down trees to make new paper products. In addition, recycling cardboard reduces the amount of energy needed to make new products, as it takes fewer resources to recycle existing materials than to make new ones.


The shift from a linear to a circular economy requires manufacturers to design products to be durable and recyclable, using 'greener' materials that last. To prevent planned obsolescence, manufacturers should also provide easier access to repairs, updates and spare parts. Finally, manufacturers should use materials and components that are designed to be recyclable and reusable in the future.


The project aims to design and manufacture a series of small electronic devices that can be repaired, recycled or reused. The structure can be made of cardboard and finished with leather remnants and non-synthetic fabrics. Leather remnants are usually scraps of leather left over from other projects, and non-synthetic fabrics can include cotton, linen, or felt. Leather scraps can be used to provide a decorative and aesthetically pleasing finish, as well as providing a strong, durable outer covering for the structure.